

On conferring the academic title of Associate Professor
The official website of the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee published the order of the Chairman of the Committee No. 1184 dated 13.12.2024 on assigning the academic title of Associate Professor in the scientific field 60100 – History and Archeology to Uskenbay Qanat Zulqaryshuly.
A group of French scholars visited the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI
A group of French scholars from the Centre for the Study of Russia, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Centre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen, CERCEC) headed by Dr. Isabelle Ohayon visited the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI
Uskenbay Qanat Zulqaryshuly
Date of posting the announcement – September 2, 2024
According to the Rules for assigning academic titles (Associate Professor, Professor), approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 No. 128, the Academic Council of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI LLP posts a certificate and a list of scientific works of the Director of the Institute, Candidate of Historical Sciences Q.Z. Uskenbay for assigning the academic title of "Associate Professor":

1. Appendix 1. Certificate of the applicant;
2. Appendix 2. List of publications in international peer-reviewed journals;
3. List of publications in editions included in the list of editions recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity published after the defense of the dissertation
The sixth issue of the scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published
The sixth issue of the “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published on the website of the journal.
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69567/3007-0236.2024.2
Published: 2024-06-25
Director of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI took part in the international conference on historical geography

On June 3–4, 2024, the international conference “Historical Geography of Central Asia” was held in Almaty at the House of Friendship, organized by the Akhmet Yassawi University and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Qazaqstan under the President of the Republic of Qazaqstan.

Along with researchers from Qazaqstan, famous scientists from many countries of the world took part in the conference, including China, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Qatar, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkey, USA, Uzbekistan.

At the session “Historical Geography of the Qazaq Steppe”, the director of the Director of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI, Candidate of History (PhD) Qanat Uskenbay made a report “Historical geography of Jochi’s campaigns in the medieval Qazaq steppe”.

The conference was held by employees of the Eurasian Research Institute within the framework of a grant for program-targeted funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Qazaqstan “Historical Geography of Central Asia”

Director of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI spoke at an international conference at Abay University.

On May 22, 2024, the international academic and practical conference “Ulus of Jochi: history, heritage and lessons” was held at the Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Famous scholars from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Canada, and Japan took part in the conference.

 Qanat Uskenbay, candidate of historical sciences and director of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI, made a presentation of his paper “The Geography of the Jochi Ulus in Medieval Qazaqstan” at the plenary session of the conference.

 The participants of the conference discussed contemporary issues pertaining to the history and culture of the Ulus of Jochi and engaged in dialogue with their colleagues.

The conference was actively covered in the media.

 After the conference, foreign guests got acquainted with the sights of Almaty and visited the high-altitude Medeu skating rink, the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts.

Meeting the Japanese scholar Hiroyuki Nagamine at the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI

At the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI, a meeting was held with a famous scholar from the National Institute of Technology, Oyama College, Master of Letters, Associate Professor Hiroyuki Nagamine (Oyama, Japan).

Mr. Nagamine is a member of the editorial board of the Institute's academic journal, “Qazaq Historical Review”. His newest research on the information about Jochi in the jadval (table) of the manuscript “Muntakhab al-Tawārīkh-i Muʻīnī” and the anonymous manuscript “Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Kütüphanesi, B. 411” was published in the fourth issue of the “Qazaq Historical Review”.

During the meeting, Mr. Nagamine became acquainted with the activities and scholarly publications of the Institute, shared his research plans, and spoke with the director of the Institute, Qanat Uskenbay, and the chief researcher, Rashid Kukashev.


The fifth issue of the scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published
The fifth issue of the “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published on the website of the journal.
The images of Qazaqstan's distant past never cease to arouse interest. Ruins of ancient settlements and majestic burial mounds, centers of ancient metallurgy and religious settlements, ancient tools, ceramics or coins, all this has a strong emotional impact. The study of the archaeological heritage of Qazaqstan in Soviet times and during the sovereign period has significantly expanded the horizons of national history, proved the existence of ancient and developed archaeological cultures, and their global connection with the most ancient centers of human civilization.
The fourth issue of the scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published

The fourth issue of the “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published on the website of the journal.

In its search for new guidelines for the emerging identity and national idea, modern Qazaqstan increasingly appeals to the experience of its medieval history. This direction becomes relevant and socially significant in new historical narratives dedicated to the process of cognition of the historical past. The legacy of the Golden Horde and its influence on Qazaq history and statehood occupy a particularly important place in the new national history writing. Public consciousness forms a stereotype about the deliberate distortion of the “true history” of the Golden Horde in previous eras and especially during the Soviet period. This makes it necessary for a modern rethinking of this stage of national history. This rethinking is embodied in the organization of anniversary events on a national scale, dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde (Ulugh Ulus) in 2019 and the 800th anniversary of the formation of the ulus of Jochi in 2024. According to the country’s president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Qazaq people are the direct heirs of the Golden Horde, which constitutes an important link in the cultural code of the Qazaqs. Such anniversary events are designed not only to consolidate society, but they should contribute to more in-depth scholarly research and the formation of academic traditions. Rational scholarly cognition of the past, free from ideology and myth-making, is the most important condition for an objective study of this past. Also, world scholarly experience in studying the history of the Golden Horde and the entire medieval period is important. Based on this, the editorial board of the academic journal “Qazaq Historical Review” and the team of the Institute for Humanitarian Research ABDI dedicated the current issue (4, 2023) to new research in the history, source study and historiography of the medieval history of Qazaqstan and Eurasia. Leading modern historians from Qazaqstan, Canada, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Ukraine, Finland and Japan are invited as authors. Qazaq historian Nurlan Atygayev explores the features of Qazaq-Qalmaq relations in the 16th century. An article by Moscow professor Alexander Kadyrbaev outlines a broad panorama of events during the era of the “Great Migration of Peoples.” Ukrainian researcher Vladyslav Gulevych reconstructs the history of the little-known and mysterious embassy of the Golden Horde’s Khan, Mengu Timur, to the Bohemian king Přemysl II Otakar. Canadian historian, Dr. Joo-Yup Lee, continues to study the Qazaqlïq phenomenon. Qazaq-American professor Uli Schamiloglu shows the impact of the bubonic plague epidemic, known as the “Black Death,” on the political crisis in the Golden Horde. The “Publications” section contains new annotated translations of sources from Latin (article by Roman Hautala), Persian (article by Hiroyuki Nagamine) and Turkish (article by Ilias Mustakimov and Qanat Uskenbay) languages. The issue ends with a review of two new books by Joo-Yup Lee and Marie Favereau.

The third issue of the scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published

The third issue of the “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published on the website of the journal.

In the field of historical policy in Qazaqstan in recent years, the studies of the tragic pages of the Soviet past and the influence of the dramatic events of those years on the fate of the Qazaqs occupy a special place. The political leadership of Qazaqstan speaks of the need for an objective study of the past by qualified specialists. Much attention is paid to the problems of the 1930s famine among the Qazaqs, repression, and forced deportation of peoples to Qazaqstan. According to the head of state, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, a restrained and responsible approach from a verified scientific position, without loud slogans and populism, will contribute to an objective assessment of the tragedy of the mass famine of the Qazaq people. For more than three years (2020–2024), the State Commission for the complete rehabilitation of victims of political repression of the 1920–1950s has been working in Qazaqstan. It has carried out extensive research work, opened more than 2.6 million documents and materials, and rehabilitated more than 311 thousand victims of political repression. Historians and archivists in Qazaqstan continue their work in this direction. Taking all this into account, the editorial board of the scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” and the team of the ABDI Institute for Humanities Studies have devoted the current issue (2023, 3) to the history of famine, repression, and deportation of peoples in the Soviet Union. The editorial board has invited leading modern historians to publish the results of their research and hopes that the newly published material will help specialists in further research.

Qazaq historian Aliya Bolatkhan considers the history of Kalmyk “special settlers” in the Alma-Ata region of the Qazaq SSR from 1944 to 1953 as a special group that had confirmed its “Sovietness.” Articles by Natalia Kuzovova and Svetlana Smagulova analyze the severe consequences of famine in Ukraine and Qazaqstan among ethnic minorities and children. Professor Turganbek Allaniyazov analyzes the review reports of the KGB of the Qazaq SSR on the armed uprisings of 1929–1931. German historian Professor Victor Dönninghaus explores the tragic pages of the mass emigration of the German population from the Soviet Union in the late 1920s to Europe and America, called “American fever." The young Belarusian historian Kiryl Latyshau summarized information from post-Soviet historiography about the Bukhtarma Old Believers, who, under conditions of Soviet repression, tried to preserve their identity and traditionalism. The article by Yulia Prostakova is devoted to the problem of representing the image of the “West” in the periodical press of the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1950s and 1960s. Professor Albina Zhanbossinova, tells the story of the tragic fate of three generations of the Aldiyarov family, who found themselves at the epicenter of the socio-political events of the 1920s–1950s, based on archival documents,

The special editor of the issue is Albina Zhanbossinova, a Doctor of History and Professor of the Lev Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

The second issue of the scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published

The second issue of the “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published on the website of this academic journal.

The modern political culture of Qazaqstan is the experience of interaction of Qazaq society with neighboring peoples and states that lasted for many centuries. The most important stage in its formation was the period of the second half of the 18th – the beginning of the 20th centuries, when the Qazaq Steppe became the object of Russian imperial expansion and entered active international relations with the Qing Empire and the Central Asian khanates. It is important to understand which political features of Qazaq society were formed due to the conditions of such frontier interaction, further colonization, conquest and integration of the Qazaqs into the Russian imperial space, the subsequent waves of immigrants, and the final loss of political independence. The events and processes of this period of Qazaq history were one of the many factors determining the new political order. To understand them helps to find some answers to modern challenges.

In this regard, the editorial board of the scholarly magazine «Qazaq Historical Review» and the team of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI has focused on the transformation of Qazaq political culture in the second half of the 18th – early 20th centuries as the theme of the next issue (No.2, 2003). The editorial board has invited the leading modern historians to publish the results of their research. We hope that the new publications will be helpful for our readers and specialists.

Articles by Maral R. Satenova and Rashid E. Orazov trace the new political realities for the Qazaqs of the Senior and Middle Zhuzes, their interaction with Russia and China, and the struggle against increasing colonization. Historians Dr. Gulfira E. Otepova, Dr. Pavel S. Shablei, and Dr. Gulmira S. Sultangalieva analyze changes in the politics and culture of Qazaq society, and their reflection in books and newspapers. Dr. Xavier Hallez addresses the topic of integration of the Qazaq elite into the colonial structure of Russian Empire. An important historical document from one of the Russian archives about the peculiarities of the production of Qazaq gunpowder is published and commented by Dr. Vladimir T. Tepkeev. Professor Dr. Svetlana I. Kovalskaya reviews a new study on the historical cartography of the Qazaq Steppe in the 17th – the beginning of the 20th centuries in the section «Critics and Bibliography».

The first issue of the scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published

The first issue of the “Qazaq Historical Review” has been published on the website of this academic journal .

The past decade in Kazakhstan was marked by a noticeable interest of researchers and the general public in the history of the Kazakh statehood of the late Middle Ages. Considerable attention was paid to the information of ancient maps about the medieval Kazakh state. Along with scientific research on medieval cartography, not always objective publications appeared, and that is why the thematic block of the first issue is devoted to this topical topic. In this regard, the editorial board and the staff of the ABDI Institute for Humanitarian Studies unanimously decided to devote No. 1 2023 of the journal "Qazaq Historical Review" to the problems of historical cartography of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the whole of Eurasia. The Editorial Board invited leading modern historians, geographers, ethnographers as authors to publish the results of their scientific research. We hope that the new published material will set the right scientific direction for the development of historical, geographical and cartographic science in Kazakhstan.

We tried to give the cards in good digital quality and accompanied them with a QR code. Using the camera of a mobile device, you can scan it and get access to a high-quality image.

The publication by Galina N. Ksenzhik and Erlan T. Karin is devoted to the analysis of the consolidated catalog of Russian cartographic materials of the XVII – early XX centuries on the history of Kazakhstan.

A significant part of the issue is devoted to the medieval cartographic thought of Europe about Central Asia and, in particular, the wonderful maps of Anthony (Antonio) Jenkinson's. Svetlana M. Gorshenina, professor at the National Center for Scientific Research of France, analyzes a new cartographic scheme of Central Asia of the XVI century, proposed by Jenkinson. In particular, the author of the article interprets the Chinese Lake known from his maps as the Aral Sea.

Dr. Nurlan Kenzheakhmet in his article suggests that this lake corresponds to the modern Teletskoye Lake. In his article, the information of European maps about the Kazakh steppe and Central Asia is studied in detail.

The first part of the article by Kazakh ethnographer, chief researcher of the Institute of Humanitarian Studies ABDI Rashid S. Kukashev is also dedicated to the newly discovered "Wroclaw" map of Jenkinson.

Researcher of the Astana MNC, Candidate of Geographical Sciences Sergey V. Rasskazov describes the results of his research and provide copies of unique Russian historical maps of the XVIII – early XIX century.

The academic journal “Qazaq Historical Review” has been registered in the largest international database Crossref

“Qazaq Historical Review”, the scholarly journal of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI, has received registration and indexing in the largest international association of publishers Crossref.

 Crossref is the largest digital object identifier (DOI) registration agency for the International DOI Foundation.

 Previously, the journal was registered in the international ISSN database (ISSN: 3005-4206; e-ISSN: 3007-0236).

 All issues of the journal and each article published on the journal’s website https://qhr.kz were registered in the Crossref database and were assigned a DOI number.

 The scholarly journal “Qazaq Historical Review” (QHR) is the official publication of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI. The journal is published in English, Qazaq and Russian. The preparation and publication of the journal is carried out at the expense of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI LLP.

 The Certificate of registration of periodicals, news agencies and online publications No. KZ16VPY00064440 dated 02/13/2023 was issued by the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On December 23rd, 2020, the “Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI”, LLP, in accordance with the 23rd article of the Law of the Republic of Qazaqstan "On Science", received a Certificate of Accreditation as a subject of academic (or) scientific and technical activities dated December 23, 2020, No. 006358.

The certificate is provided for participation in the competition of scholarly and (or) scientific and technical activities at the expense of the state budget of the Republic of Qazaqstan.

The management and staff of the Institute express their gratitude to the management and staff of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Qazaqstan for the trust and support of Qazaqstani science!

We really hope that our Institute will justify the trust, and we will be able to make our contribution to the development of national historical science! 

The Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI and the ABDI Company JSC in cooperation with the Russian Ethnographic Museum have published a new book:

Qazaq Culture and Mode of Life. Album of drawings by V.N. Plotnikov, dated 1859–1866. From the Collection of the Russian Ethnographical Museum / Edit. By K. Uskenbay. Almaty: ABDI Company JSC, 2021. 254 p. Scholarly edition. «The Qazaqs. History and Culture» series.

For the first time, a unique album of watercolor drawings of Qazaq household items, made in 1859-1866 by Vladimir Nikolaevich Plotnikov (1832-1875) is published in full. In total, the album contains 45 sheets with 253 images.

The publishers have accompanied the album with a preface and an introduction, several original research materials on the life, work, and creative heritage of V. N. Plotnikov, scholarly comments on the images of the album, as well as a glossary, a bibliography, and indexes. 

The undoubted advantage of the book is the publication of 120 rare archival and museum photographs and drawings as direct analogues of the drawings of the album.

The book is meant for to researchers, teachers, students, museum workers, as well as a wide range of readers interested in the history and culture of the Qazaq people.

Read about this and much more in our new book!

The book can be purchased at the stores of the ABDI Company JSC. Product code 265144. Price 12000 tg. 

A new scholarly journal of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI

The Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI began publishing a new scholarly journal - “Qazaq Historical Review”.

 On February 13, 2023, the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a Certificate of registration of a periodical printed publication, news agency and online publication No. KZ16VPY00064440.

The journal has been registered in the international ISSN database (ISSN: 3005-4206; e-ISSN: 3007-0236).

 The academic journal “Qazaq Historical Review” (QHR) is the official publication of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI. The journal is published once a quarter, four times a year in English, Kazakh and Russian. The preparation and publication of the journal is carried out at the expense of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI LLP.

 The first issue of the magazine was published on the magazine’s website https://qhr.kz/.

 The founder of the journal is Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI. The Editor-in-Chief is Director of the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI, Candidate of Historical Sciences Qanat Uskenbay.

 The editorial board of the journal includes famous Qazaq and foreign scholars: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Dosbol Baygunakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Abdibek Bimendiev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Albina Zhanbosinova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ablet Kamalov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gulmira Sultangalieva, Dr. Xavier Hallez, Associate Professor Hiroyuki Nagamine, Dr. Niccolò Pianciola , Dr. Roman Hautala, Professor, Dr. Uli Schamiloglu.

On October 23rd, 2020, a new LLP named the “Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI” was established in Almaty. 

The Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI is a modern non-state research, expert, and publishing center in the field of national history and culture.

The new institute has founded on the basis of the publishing department of the “ABDI Company” JSC, with its prolific academic and publishing activity.    

The staff of the Institute have prepared and published such voluminous books as “The Big Atlas of the History and Culture of Qazaqstan” (Qazaq edition, 2010 and Russian edition, 2008), “The Qazaqs. History and Culture”, etc.

In total, 14 books, dozens of scholarly articles and media presentations have been published.

The book editions of the Institute, dedicated to the history and culture of Qazaqstan, have gained national and international recognition, being highly appreciated by the expert community both in Qazaqstan and abroad. These are the high-quality scholarly and educational books, and each can be a wonderful gift for all connoisseurs of the history of Qazaqstan, as well as for guests and tourists. The Institute publishes the works of prominent Qazaq and foreign researchers of the history of Qazaqstan and Eurasia.

The Institute cooperates with leading scholarly, archival, museum and library institutions in Qazaqstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, France, Great Britain, and the USA.

The main activity of the Institute aims at conducting research in the field of the Humanities. Special attention is focused on the study of the history and culture of the Qazaq people, as well as on the popularization of the newest scholarly research in the history of Qazaqstan and neighboring states. The Institute is engaged in educational, academic, and publishing activities.